Anderson College of Nursing and Health Professions


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Anderson College of Nursing and Health Professions


As a leader in the education of nurses since 1973, K8彩乐园(UNA)的安德森护理与健康专业学院(ACONHP)是由阿拉巴马州护理委员会完全批准和认可的. Ranked in the top 10 most up-and-coming nursing programs in the south, UNA是阿拉巴马州一所著名的护理学校,为您准备一次护理和治疗一位患者的互动.

With a diverse student body and seasoned faculty, K8彩乐园的校内和在线医疗保健项目提供灵活的课程安排, competitive pricing, and a highly reputable education that fits your life. Even better? UNA offers several scholarships to nursing students including the New Start Scholarship for new online nursing program students (exclusions apply) and the Nurse Faculty Loan Program (NFLP) for MSN graduate students interested in becoming nursing faculty.

ACONHP Goals and Student Outcomes

Exceptional Health Care Professionals Start Here

From nurses to healthcare professionals, organizational leaders to patient advocates, UNA creates a brighter future with each nursing graduate. 我们提供校内和在线护理课程模式,以确保即使是最繁忙的专业人士也能获得创新的教育方法. 以在线护理课程和加速护理学位课程为特色, With UNA, you’ll earn a degree that’s:

  • Affordable Earn a prestigious nursing degree for a surprisingly low cost. 我们为像您这样的全职专业人士提供负担得起的课程.
  • Flexible Designed for working nurses, 我们的许多项目都是100%在线的,临床要求可以在你自己的社区内完成.
  • Reputable In our accredited on-campus and accredited online nursing programs, you will learn from highly qualified, credentialed, 还有经验丰富的教师,他们了解不断变化的医疗保健行业,并致力于帮助你实现目标.

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获得为非临床专业做出贡献所需的技能,并为包括医疗诊所管理员在内的工作角色做好准备, wellness coordinator, and health educator.

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“作为一名充满希望的注册护士,UNA不仅让我觉得自己为研究生生活做好了准备, but also makes me feel a part of something much bigger than myself. We are a family and we celebrate everyone's success along the way. 护理不是一个容易的职业,但ACONHP绝对让它成为一个容易的决定."
Marissa Deal, Level 2 Nursing Student

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“我选择了护理,因为我喜欢帮助那些离开的人比他们来的更好. 不仅能和他们一起工作,还能拯救生命,这绝对是一种快乐."
Kaleb Grimes, Level 4 Nursing Student

Reputable & Accredited


The baccalaureate degree program in nursing, master’s degree program in nursing, K8彩乐园的研究生APRN护理证书课程获得了大学护理教育委员会(

Ranked in the top 10 most up-and-coming nursing programs 在南部,UNA让你做好护理和治疗的准备——一次与一个病人互动.

UNA has been approved by Alabama to participate in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements. NC-SARA是一种自愿的、区域性的方法,用于国家监督高等教育远程教育.


K8彩乐园的护理实践博士课程正在寻求大学护理教育委员会( 申请认可并不保证会获得认可.